Monday 22 October 2012

Act. 8: Reflection - Social Networks in the classroom

Before this activity I didn’t think that social networks could have been a valuable asset to my students learning. I have now learnt that social networks can be especially useful out of the classroom setting. A class page or even subject page can be set up on facebook allowing students to post questions, post information and engage in discussions about an image or a piece of information shared by the teacher or other students. This can greatly aid in reinforcing specific topics or broadening the students knowledge of specific topics.

In employing the use of social networks in a class setting, e-safety has to be incorporated as a support mechanism since the students need to be taught to be responsible when using social networks. They also need to be aware of the dangers they may be exposed to, (such as cyber stalking, cyber bullying and identity fraud just to name a few) and the steps they can take to prevent/avoid being victims.

Careful planning, precise objectives and the establishment of policies/regulations regarding the use of social networks will foster a positive and successful learning experience for our students in this regard.

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